Saturday, January 9, 2010


Jean-Baptiste Lamark was the "crazy" one! When thinking evolution he's the one who stated the Law of "Use or Disuse" (aka the Inheritance of Acquired Traits). Lamarck believed that whatever the parent 'gets' during their lifetime, then their children will also 'get' that as well.
In other words..if you became a body builder then you kid your be 'all muscles' too. Or if you lost a limb, then your child would be born without that limb too.
His most common example is the giraffe...he says that the giraffes necks got longer because they slowly "stretched" them out each generation and allowed their babies to be born with longer necks each time.

Remember that 'back in the day' of Lamarck they had NO IDEA of genes, DNA and all that cool stuff. They had yet to discover exactly why we looked like our parents and how our traits were passed along through the generations.

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