Monday, October 26, 2009

Transcription & Translation

Interactive site on transcription and translation...

Use this site for more information...

Lots of useful notes on DNA, RNA, transcription & translation...

Interactive site on "what is a protein"...

Interactive animation
on transcription & translation...

Be able to read both the Codon Chart and the Codon Wheel


RNA is very similar to is also a polymer that is made up of nucleotides as the monomers.

Review this chart that COMPARES & CONTRASTS DNA with RNA...

Review this site with RNA information...

The key concepts to remember with DNA are:
* Ribose is the sugar of the backbone
* Uracil is the base that replaces Thymine (only U, never a T)
* single stranded

Thursday, October 22, 2009

DNA practice

Once you've completed your DNA origami use the following sites to review what you've learned so far...

Here's an interactive game to play on making complementary base strands

Info, animations, photos on DNA structure

DNA Anatomy

interactive crossword

Tour the Basics of DNA

Journey into DNA (do the non-flash version)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Structure of DNA

DNA is found within the nucleus of all cells. DNA are our genes or our 'blue-print'.

DNA is a large polymer...made up of NUCELOTIDES. (take this time to review your organic macromolecules!!) Here is a sketch of a nucleotide...

The shape of DNA is a DOUBLE HELIX...which is simply just 2 strands twisted together...think of a spiraled staircase, twisted ladder or a zipper

The backbone of DNA is made up alternating of PHOSPHATE and DEOXYRIBOSE (a sugar).

The bases of DNA are: Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Thymine (T) and Guanine (G). These are the only bases found in DNA. The bases will always, always, always pair up A-T and ifs, ands or buts!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

History of DNA

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. DNA is a fairly new discovery in the world of science. It was first seen in the early 1920's, but the actual structure wasn't found until February 1953. Upon it's discovery DNA became known as "the secret of life".
Here's an interactive time-line where you can explore the history of DNA...and here's another one

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mitosis vs. Meiosis

MITOSIS is the division of somatic (body) cells...the stages are INTERPHASE, PROPHASE, METAPHASE, ANAPHASE & TELOPHASE followed by CYTOKINESIS
Mitosis Song...

MEIOSIS is the division of sex cells...same stages x2 as mitosis
Interactive Meiosis...

compare and contrast of the two -
Interactive Mitosis vs. Meiosis...


Mitosis Animation - Questions #1-8

Meiosis Tutorial - Sexual Reproduction #1-6, Chromosomes in a Diploid Cell #1-7

Meiosis Animation - Meiosis 1 #1-6, Meiosis 2 #1-5

Photosynthesis vs. Respiration

Interactive Photosynthesis...

Interactive Respiration...


Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches

Friday, October 2, 2009