Thursday, September 24, 2009

Active Transport

Active Transport USES energy!! They work low to high, against the they have to put up a fight to perform.


ENDOCYTOSIS: taking large items/amounts into the cell using vesicles...

EXOCYTOSIS: expelling items from the cell, using vesicles...this is how the proteins that are packaged by the golgi body leave the cell

* great site of diagrams & info on the cell membrane and cell transport
* interactive animations (both passive & active)
* interactive animations for Active transport
* animation of cell transport

* battleship game
* rags to riches game
* various games and more here

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Passive Transport

DIFFUSION is the movement of molecules from high to low concentration; passive, no energy needed; will continue until equilibrium is reached. Common everyday examples would be spraying air freshener, food coloring in water, candles or reed diffuser, and even passing gas!!

OSMOSIS is the movement of water (and only water) across the membrane, from a high to low concentration; passive, no energy needed. Three types: Isotonic, Hypertonic, Hypotonic.

* site on Passive Transport
* interactive site on Diffusion
* interactive animations

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Animal Cell vs. Plant Cell

Both plant and animal cells have those organelles previously talked about...the main difference in the two types of cells is PLANT CELLS...
1. have CHLOROPLASTS (green, for energy by photosynthesis)
2. have CELL WALL (rigid, outside of the cell membrane)
3. have a LARGER VACUOLE (when empty plant wilts)

Be sure you understand ALL the functions of the organelles and know WHERE they are found (plant, animal, bacteria cell). Remember that certain organelles may be found in all 3, just 2 or even only one!!



Here's a few interactive sites for explore...

* interactive cell diagram

* interactive Eukaryote cells (both plant and animal models)

* great site for Plants vs. Animals (defines all organelles)

* compare all 3 cell types, build the cells, quiz yourself, etc.

* jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles

* label the plant cell...label the animal cell

* a "cell city" from BBC (will need to do the HTML version, I don't think you have the proper plug-in)


EUKARYOTE = a cell WITH a nucleus and other organelles; includes the animal cell and the plant cell

The typical organelles and their functions can be seen in detail on the following sites...

* site with all organelles and more sites to explore

* a simplified table with all organelles and functions

* 'rags to riches' game on organelles

* 'battleship' game on organelles

* 'hangman' game on organelles

Friday, September 18, 2009


PROKARYOTES = a cell with NO nucleus...aka- bacterial cell

-remember that even though there is NO nucleus, there is still DNA!!

Use these websites for help in understanding the functions

* great site with definitons and links to microscopic photos of all organelles

Organic Macromolecules

Use these sites to review the organic macromolecules of life...

* detailed info on ALL marcromolecules, plus sketches

* even more details and diagrams...

* concentration game

Themes & Organization of Life

* battle ship game on Life Organization

Scientific Method

Here's a little back-tracking to the first week or so. Just a quick review of the Scientific Method!

Here's a site that explains EVERYTHING!!

A few tips to remember...
* your hypothesis is an educated guess that MUST be testable...that means you can't test opinions
* the CONTROL group remains untouched in the experiment
* the INDEPENDENT variable is what you add to the equation...what are you testing?
* the DEPENDENT variable is what you measure in the do you know the testing worked?

* 'rags to riches' game

* another 'rags to riches' game

* matching game

* hangman

* battleship

'Sup Ya'll...

Hey guys...I decided to make this blog so that you can link to great websites that will be used in this class. I will try to keep it updated as best as a I can. If you come across anything that needs to be added then let me know!
This would also be a great place to post your comments or questions about the class, the lessons or about myself. Please remember to KEEP IT CLEAN though!! :)

I hope that you are enjoying the year so far and let me know what would make it even better. I'm looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you...and having LOTS of fun (and a little learning too!).

I'll try to post items by topics, so you should be able to use the search to help. Let me know if this works...